
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

UPDATE: Local Elections: School Board, District 5

There's a tropical storm outside so it's a good time to update the old blog.

Good news when it comes to this election... I was driving home the other day and noticed the Stuart Rowan signs all had an additional piece of paper attached to them that said something along the lines of "Endorsed by the Brevard Federation of Teachers."

According to Hannah, BFT is the largest teachers union in this area and is the local branch of the Florida Education Association (FEA). To my knowledge there are essentially two large national teachers unions in this country: The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), which is a part of the ALF-CIO and the National Education Association (NEA). While at USC, Hannah was a member of NEA and she seems to trust them. She says she doesn't know as much about the AFT. We're a bit confused about the FEA because according to their web site they are affiliated with both the NEA and the AFT. Regardless of who the BFT really is, an endorsement by them is almost definitely a very good thing.

So I'm about this write this post and I'm referring back to my original post on the subject and I notice that someone has left a few comments. Guess what... It's Stuart Rowan himself!

Ben: This is the guy with the bad tie! (Sorry, I was warned!) I do not support vouchers, I am in favor or holding charters accountable for both their finances and product. I am also a firm believer in the seperation of church and state. The Science classroom should teach science and all of its corroborating theories, and our churches should teach Faith and all of its corroborating lessons. I am endorsed by the BFT (Brevard Federation of Teachers) and by BASA (Brevard Association of School Administrators.) Sorry, the tie thing is without explanation. drop me an e mail. Sturow@aol.com

I'm glad he seems to have a good sense of humor about my tie joke but more importantly, he firmly states his belief in the separation of church and state. So, I think I feel pretty good about voting for Rowan and I encourage everyone else to do so as well.

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